Accredited Innovation Training Program (AInTP)

The Benefits of AInTP Accreditation
Accreditation of an Innovation Training Program by the GInI Accreditation Center offers several valuable benefits – including:

  • Affirmation of the program’s ongoing commitment to educational quality and continuous improvement in the field of Innovation.
  • Peer recognition for achievement to a globally-recognized benchmark standard.
  • Differentiation as one of a select group of training programs that properly reflect and teach the modern philosophies and disciplines of Applied Business Innovation.
  • The consequent ability to recruit a larger and higher caliber set of students to the program.

Definition of an Innovation Training Program
For the purposes of GInI’s accreditation process, the term ‘Innovation Training Program’ refers to any training course (whether academic or professional), workshop, or equivalent training vehicle that has been properly designed, organized, supervised, and delivered to achieve a specific set of learning objectives relating in some way to business innovation.

The term ‘Innovation Training Program’ furthermore refers only to a single such course, workshop, or vehicle, and not to a collection of these. This means that each such training course, workshop, or other training vehicle must secure its own accreditation from GInI independent of all others.

Therefore, if a business organization offers multiple programs, it must secure accreditation for each program independently. Accreditation of any one of its programs does not in any way infer accreditation of its other programs, until each such program has each secured accreditation in its own right.
Alternatively, the organization can pursue accreditation of a comprehensive monolithic multi-course program under GInI’s Accredited Innovation Education Program designation – AInEP®.

How GInI AInTP Accreditation Works
For an Innovation Training Program to be accredited by GInI, it must work through GInI’s accreditation application process, including demonstrating to GInI full compliance to GInI’s accreditation standards.

Once a program has been officially accredited by GInI – including the payment of all initial and renewing program accreditation fees – the organization may thereafter publicly announce and advertise the fact that this specific program has been formally accredited by Global Innovation Institute as an Accredited Innovation Training Program, or AInTP®. Additionally, at this point, GInI will issue on behalf of the organization all participant Certificates of Completion for those completing the program.

To facilitate this, the organization will, in each instance, deliver to GInI (via email) the names of the individuals who have successfully completed the program. Thereafter, GInI will deliver back to the organization (via postal mail) official GInI endorsed certificates indicating successful completion of the program.